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Walking in Obedience in Christ love and Care resting in His identity


So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

As the believer stays in fellowship with the Lord and this relationship brings about many trials and difficulties to him or hers and as they also deal with life issues. The believer only hope is to believe in the helping hand of Christ. And for the believer to trust the helping hand of the Lord and equally receive help from the Lord, the believer has to learn of who Christ truly is in this life.

Christ identity

As indicated clearly in the verse above, Christ lifted a prayer to the Lord and in the prayer it was purposely to let those who were present to know who Christ truly is. And from the verses above the identity of Christ is He is the promised savior send by God the creator to the world to bring salvation to all men and to lift the burden and hardship this world presents to everyone in it. And because he is the promised savior, God listen to Him to perform every request He presents to God the creator and sustainer of the world and every life in it. And this is why Christ said such a prayer God always hears Him but for the sake of the people to truly know who He was and to put their trust in Him to be save and delivered and blessed in this present time and the future life to come. He prayed such a prayer to God, so all presents will know He is the true savior and no other. And the only true savior God is compelled and obligated to listen to and answer all He requests because God send Him to do the work of God been to savior all humanity. And for Christ to pray such a prayer is an expression of His love and care for the people gathered so they will not lose this opportunity to trust in Him and be saved. And not walk away with their burden still hanging down and weighing them down. When the one who can save them from all their issues and relieve them was standing right in front of them.


The believer in this same way has to come to terms of who Christ represents in this world and their life. They have to realize Christ is the savior of all humanity and because of this, the believer has to learn to put their complete trust in the Lord. Christ is the only appointed savior and redeemer the Father listen to and will answer any request from Him. This is because He is the appointed one that God has placed all solution to every problem. And also He is the only savior who truly love and care for humanity and most especially those who have put their trust in Him.

Due to this truth about Christ, it is so critical for the believer to realize the most important step to receiving a miracle from God is to trust who Christ is and what He truly represent in the believer life. A representation, He is the voice of love and care reflected in the truth as the appointed person God has given all the power and solution to very problem in this life.

As this truth been laid out, today as a believer in Christ trust in your savior of who He truly is the voice of God and is in Him God has given all victories in this world. As this been said trust in Christ because He is the only person the answers to all life issues can be found.

A prime example is Irene’s son, has been wayward recently and is failing in his grades. Every counsel has been offered but the child still won’t change his ways. This has really impacted Irene life and has brought a lot of stress and anxiety in her life. But recently as she has committed more time to the Lord and has been growing in the Lord. She has realized how all things are possible in Christ and through this faith has relented and given everything to the Lord, including her son issue. This has calmed her tremendous and has made her hopeful. The believer has to learn to be hopeful in Christ and the power in Him and not give up.




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w175N7474 Wislon Dr, Menomonee-Falls Wi 53051

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