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The victory Path


Verse 4, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

As much as there are these challenges or hardships associated with the world or found in the world. And every person has to deal with it especially the believer. Fortunately for the believer God has made a way for the believer to find a winning way and the way is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. And the winning way is found in the beginning in verse 4.

In the verse 4, it inscribe every person that is born of God has overcome the world and all the challenges it comes with, and most of the challenges are summarized in the first post and will be dealt with in subsequent post. This means every person, whether a believer or unbeliever should come to terms the only path for victory over the world is found when the individual is born of God. If God does not give birth to a person is virtually impossible for such a person to ever overcome the world and not only the world but the one who rules the world because of sin. Meaning the ruler of sin who continuous to bombard the world with sin so that he can continue to rule the world and have dominion. The only way to defeat him and the world is through a birth by God the creator Himself.

And the verse 4 continue to indicated how the believer becomes born by faith, and it is clearly seen through the believer faith. The faith of the believer in God is what makes the believer to be born of God. But the million-dollar question is everyone has faith in God. Having faith in God does not make the individual to be born by God and as such have the winning key of victory over the world. The scriptures does not end there but continue to narrow and define what kind of faith in God brings about the victory for the believer. And the such faith is defined clearly in the verse 5 the last sentence which indicates “Only the one who believes the Jesus is the Son of God”.

This means when a person places their faith in Jesus Christ and come to believe Christ is the son of God meaning the true savior of the Lord and also is the same as God having power to deliver, save and give life and life eternal and immortality. Such a person has been born again. As referred to Jesus in John 3:3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again and 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

From these verses even when a person is born into the world through normal conception meaning through human effort been his or her birth parent. The individual can be born again through the Spirit been the Spirit of God because God is Spirit and as such to be born by God is only through the Spirit and this is only possible through coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Then when that happens such an individual becomes born again through Christ accomplish work through the Spirit of God. Because the Spirit of God is found only in Christ and accomplish God new birth through Christ. And so believing and having total trust in Christ represent the new birth of the Spirit and this new birth places sonship with the one who has believed in Christ and has been marked by the Spirit as a permanent child of God.

And when this conception of the new person is done through Christ been performed by the Holy Spirit the divine Spirit of God. Then such an individual has obtained the power been the wisdom and strengthen to deal with all the challenges the world will present to him or her and still come out successful. This is why and how the believer who has already trusted the Lord obtain victory over the world.

Today if you haven’t accepted the lord or fully surrender to the Lord. This is the time to surrender so the available strengthen that overcome the world will be giving unto you to have victory over the world and its ruler been the enemy of everything good.




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