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Jesus Christ the Light of the World


Updated: Jul 14, 2023

John 8:12 NIV: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.

Hanna and May have been good friends and are inseparable and have been roommates since graduating from college and working at the same company. They attend the same church together and are heavily involved in church activities. A promotion opened in Hannah department and May felt Hannah could have put in a good word for her to secure the Job. Hannah indicated to May unfortunately because it was her department, she wanted to steer away from any conflicted of interest and wanted the process to be fair and the best candidate gets the job. This did not sit well with May and felt her friend has betrayed her and for weeks going to month they have not been talking.

During, one Sunday service, the minister preached about forgiveness when someone wrongs you. And one of the firm instructions of the Lord is to learn to forgive each other whether been right or wrong as He has forgiven us and continue to do so during our short coming. As these friends sat through the church sermon, they realized how sinful and wrong they have been to each other. And after church services they patch up and even grew more in their relationship with each other. From that moment, they each learn each time to forgive each other when wrong and be like the Lord Jesus Christ. And this has strengthened their relationship and friendship.

The story above is a typical scenario of what Christ meant, He is the light of the world and anyone who follows Him will never walk in darkness. These two ladies’ relationship was struggling and was negatively impacting their life because of unforgiveness and failure to reconcile. But when they met the Lord instruction and realized He requires forgiveness because He forgave them of their sin. And when they became obedient to the Lord, they came out of the darkness of unforgiveness into the light of forgiveness as such bringing a positive outcome to their relationship.

Today, if you are in the darkness of unforgiveness and your relationship is strained, turned to the Lord and let Him deliver you by giving you the strengthen to forgive the one who has wrong you. So, you can live and build healthy Christ like relationship full of light.




For any media inquiries, please contact Kwasi Tano-Ofori:


w175N7474 Wislon Dr, Menomonee-Falls Wi 53051

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