John 8:12 NIV: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.
John was brought up in a Christian home and during college and also after finishing college became involve with a lot of wrongful individuals and got involved in drugs. And has been using drugs since college. In college he engaged in such a behavior at a minimal level but after graduating and finding a job and having some decent and steady income he began to engage in the behavior in an increasing manner. To the point he could hardly go a day without been on drugs and this affected her job and was let go and also had strained his relationship with her parents. John, after losing everything including been evicted from his rented apartment and also his car been repossessed for nonpayment finally realized he has truly hit rock bottom. And at this point, his life has become so useless and is currently living off the streets totally on his own and can’t even afford a decent food and is scrambling to get by and he realizes his life is over.
As he stood at this dead end, he recalled her upbringing and the testimonies that Christ can save, so he decided to go to church one Sunday. At the church services, he rededicated his life to the Lord and equally decided to enroll in the church rehabilitation program. After months and months of attending and volunteering at the church services. He was able to turn his life around for good and paid a visit to his parents one Thanksgiving holiday. They were truly surprised at their son and how his life had gotten better. And when asked what brought the change, he indicated the Lord changed his life around when all was lost, and he was in the dark. The Lord led him out of the dark of drug addiction and homelessness and at the point of death into a platform of freedom from drugs and strengthen to live a holy and righteousness life. And the church the Lord used to bring this deliverance to him has even employed him as an office administrator and maintenance lead. And is now getting back on his feet.
This story is what it means as the Lord been a light of the world and that anyone who follows Him will never stay in darkness. Today if you feel you are in darkness and the darkness is eaten you away turn to The Lord Jesus Christ so He can hold your hands and lead you into a path of freedom from sin and its destructive ways into a platform of peace and Joy and a purposeful life.