Mattewe 11:28 “Come to me,s all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Ernest has been in a couple of relationships, and it has not worked out and has been really stressed out lately. After giving himself to the Lord and he just concluded how can he ever find the woman of his dreams to share life. After a couple of Christian concerts, he come across Irene, and they develop a wonderful relationship. And as they are dating, they have decided to save intimacy after marriage. Ernest has found more joy, peace through this decision because he is learning to know Irene on such a personal manner and level with such respect. And approaching the relationship in this perspective has made him see Irene more than just trying to become intimate with her but to embrace her true value. And Irene is also experiencing the same comfort.
This is an example of what the Lord can do, He gave Ernest rest from all his failed relationship because he always began it from the wrong perspective with the wrong expectation. As such it never ended well. Because he failed to experience, women are more than trying to take them to bed. And through his new obedience in knowing how to truly approach a relationship in the Lord’s way absent of having intimacy with them until marriage occurs, he has found a new perspective which works through the Lord and produces peace and rest as he has found with Irene.