1 peter 5: 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Iris just lost her dream job and is in such anguish and sorrow. She hopes to find a job soon because she has begun to feel the financial impact of losing the job. And is late on her mortgage and has received a letter from the bank about foreclosure of her house and also the repossession of her car. She has done a couple of interviews, gone through the final stages and was not picked. This has happened a couple of times and she is begun to fret and is anxious because she realizes soon, she might become homeless and without a car. She is very independent and the mere fact of depending on others for help is something she does not envision.
She has been exploring her faith lately and decided to attend her local church. And one Sunday service the pastor encouraged the church to trust their issues with God for help and not try to handle it solely on their own, so it does not create unnecessary anxiety and prevent them from have a joyful life as promised in the Lord. Iris took it to heart and decided to trust the Lord with her job issues, since trusting her job issues with the Lord and trusting the Lord in due time will reward her accordingly. She has found this unbelievable peace within herself. Conditions have not changed and have gotten worse, but she is working with the bank on a different payment's agreement on her mortgage and also the bank which has a lien on her car. And the banks seem to be willing to work with her. And that is even a miracle to her, she has lately cut down on a lot of eating outside and luxury things she did, which she never thought she could do away with.
But with all these changes, she has found comfort in her current situation and is content and is not bothered at all. She has been finding difficulty in meeting her monthly grocery expenses, but God has made provision every month and the need is all ways met. After a while, through a conversation with her brother she indicated how she has found comfort in all the temporary issues she is going through and currently has no worries as when she initially lost her job. Accrediting the soundness to her total trust in God.
Today if you are a believer and is stress out causing all sort of anxiety turn and follow the course of Iris and give the Lord all your burdens, He will truthfully grant you peace and joy in replacement to the anxiety, sorrow the world expects and brings on us. And He has affirmed this unfailing promise through His writing world indicated in 1 peter 5:7.