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Hope in Christ love and Care



verse 40, Then Jesus said, Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

When Jesus arrived on the scene the expectation placed on Him was, He could heal the sick and was a miracle man of God. As such everyone was wondering why he did not intercept Lazarus sickness and came too late and now Lazarus is dead for a very long time. Everyone at the funeral had the believe Christ could have healed Lazarus from his sickness. But When Christ arrived, they all felt it was too late because it has not be heard anywhere, of a person been raised from the dead for as long as four days in the grave. Due to how terrible the situation was they are all felt it was a little too late.

Martha who happened to be a believer of Christ, even doubted the possibility of Christ been able to raise His brother. Hence, doubted Christ of having the power to raise Lazarus from the grave.

Christ intense love and care for Lazarus, the family and all who have gathered in the house. Christ did something which is out of the norm, which is when people doubt Christ, He normally walks away from them because of their unbelieve. But in this instance, instead of walking away, He was firm on Martha who represents the family by rebuking her unbelief which was delaying Lazarus miracle. Christ had to be stern and firm on Martha for her to understand that the blessing of healing, deliverance and restoration from God has no limitation. When it comes to God all things are possible even those, which seem impossible with human might. So, His glory will be reveal to all men, He is the savior of the world and all who trust in Him can and will not be disappointed.

And Martha was lacking this understanding, so was all who were gathered making everything they did to impede Christ especially Martha who came up with all the excuses for Christ to not go to the tomb of Lazarus and get the entrance stone door remove. Making the argument there will be a stench.

Failing to realize when it comes to the love and care of Christ, there is no stench or foul smell. Christ loves everyone just as they are and how smelly their situation is, Christ still embraces them and does not push them away but is ready to heal and bring victory to their life all in the name of care and love.

This is why in the verse above, Christ had to rebuke Martha because her doubt was the stumbling block to her miracle, which was her brother been raised from the dead. Her doubt was failing her because, she could not understand the dept of Christ love and care which causes tand can lead to Him to perform the impossible in a person life. Ultimately revealing the glory of God, which represent His love for every person who trust in Him and His wish that they all do well.

If you are facing a situation and feel impossible in human eyes. It is possible in God’s eyes and just hope in Christ and entrust your situation to Him, because He is ever ready to bring healing and deliverance and restoration to you from inside out. So the glory of God will be reveal of how much He cares and is ever ready to help and bring about wholeness and freedom to any person who will not let their circumstance turn them from Christ but will put their trust in Christ. Today trust in Christ and watch and see what He can do for you. And that was exactly what Christ wanted Martha to do instead of doubting, in the same way Christ is visiting every trouble heart of the believer or the one who is not sure and has not trusted Christ to just trust in Him and watch to see what He can do to the situation of the one who have trusted in Him.




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