Luke 6:21
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.
There are a lot of spiritual hunger in society nowadays, when we see the moral breakdown of our society that is so engrossed in deception across all status of lives and societies. This means leaders who are supposed to portray and display moral aptitude rather are doing contrary and are lying continuous about what they promise to do and are not able to follow through with their promises and continuous disappointing those who have put their trust in them. Also, the level of intolerance found in our society nowadays and divisiveness the society has become and how this divisiveness is bringing the inability to work for the common good have grown leaps and bounds.
And within the family there is so much spiritual depravity, spouses are not faithful to one another, parents are equally not faithful to their children and cannot keep their word. And the moral depravity of the home where is supposed to be the pillar of truth and safety is also gone. And the family arenas are in confusion and disarray.
This has created a superficial life, that displays individuals who are so self-centeredness. Also when we look at our society the level of poverty has grown across the globe and the level of struggles, and the prevalence of diseases have also grown ridiculously. And the level of wickedness has grown right from the family to society as at large. There is so much dissatisfaction in relationships in all spears of life everyone is crying and is in sorrow. Nowadays the next major event in the news is not inspiring news but rather dark and gloomy, despairing and discouraging news has become the order of events for each day.
The good news is there is a hope that can and always turn such dark situation to inspiring, hopeful and joyful situation through the food this hope provides. And the hope is Jesus Christ, He presents to all who are hungry because of moral breakdown with a new way of living that build a person in righteousness and holiness, so they can be full to the brim. And when they are satisfied, their heart burst into the continuous oil of Joy and peace. Evidence through unceasing laughter in this present life and also most importantly in the future life of eternity awaiting to manifest.
Today if you are hungry and this spiritual starvation has resulted in sorrow and pain, the Lord of creation hands are open wide to receive you to feed you with spiritual nourishing food that will produce present and eternal joy in your heart causing a continuous smile on your face. Come to Him and find the true food, which produce the true joy that never perish.