What Christ Did

Verse 26, He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The question that remains is what outcome came out of the disciples’ efforts and wise act by waking Christ up. As identified clearly in the scriptures above, when Christ woke up, He attended to the needs of the disciples by rebuking the fierce storms. And after His rebuke as shown clearly the waters became complete calm. Meaning it was as if there were never any raging waves or storms. Everything went back to normal and the disciples’ lives were saved. This is what the Lord Jesus Christ did for the disciples when they turn their needs to Him when they realize how insignificant or weak they were. And Christ was even able to identify the weakness of the disciples of how little faith they had and fearful they were after been with Christ.
The current believer
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and His love and care does not change and will never change and equally He is always available to do the same for anyone who will put their trust and hope in Him. He has the ability and is willing in the same way ready to calm every storm in the believers life no matter how impossible it might seem. Jesus Christ is ever ready to rebuke the storms that have risen in the believer’s life. Even if the storms looks impossible, Christ is the God of all possibility and will calm the storm and bring restoration to the one who has entrusted his or her life to Him. Christ will bring such calmness in the believers life and calmness of restoration that it will seem the believer never even went through any difficulties. This is what Christ can do, He is the one and only who can calm every trial, challenge in the believers life and bring about wholeness to the believer.
Today if you a believer facing storms turn it over to the storm calmer. So that He can bring peace and joy to your life.