First Challenge
As we reference the first challenge the world presents which is a way of living and a morality that is hostile to the ways of the Lord and is out of line with the ways of God. And which has outcomes of death and destruction in the present times and the future life to come. And this is the first situation with the world that every person has to learn to deal with including the believer. Fortunately, the Lord has granted the believer a way out and is as indicated below.
With this challenge this is how the believer overcomes and it is adhering to this truth. The truth been anyone who comes to Christ especially the believer. When the believer comes to Christ, the first thing the Lord does is to open the believer mind and heart to the truth and to convict the believer of sin. And when this happens and the believer response according and gives himself or herself to the Lord. Then from there the Lord grants the believer the strengthen to live a righteous and holy life continuous helping the believer not to embrace sin and making the believer feeling very uncomfortable when they sin and rather to find peace in doing what is right. And giving the believer the clarity as to the ways of the world and the outcome of those ways and how it ends to death and destruction in this present time and the future to come.
A prime example is Henry and Harry has been friends for a long time since childhood and were Sunday school buddies also and graduated from the same college. They recently went back home for their high school homecoming. Henry noticed Harry was not looking right and asked him whether all is well and that he has been keeping up with church. Harry indicated to Henry the growth of his faith and always striving to do the right thing.
Henry was waiting for Harry to go to homecoming and instead of Harry showing up Henry received a call to come to the hospital because his friend had overdose and was lucky to be alive. As Henry visited his friend and stayed through the whole week through the next weekend to make sure he was well. Harry shameful admitted he had lied to henry about his ways and has been heavily addicted to drugs and can seem to come out. Henry been a Christian forgave his friend and after Harry spoke the truth sponsored his friend to his church drug rehabilitation program. After months of treatment Harry gave his life to Christ and has been committed to his faith and it has led to a totally changed individual. Who has taken up employment in the same rehab center and has been counseling and helping others who are going through such ordeal.
This story shows how Harry through His friends help, who took it upon himself to take care of his friend because it is the right thing to do led to a complete transform individual totally delivered from alcohol and leading a victorious life in Christ and as such helping others. And also, we see Harry whose life was a total mess because he was walking in the sinful ways of the world of lying and drugs and the outcome nearly cost his life and also his salvation. Through Christ working through Henry, Harry overcame what the word presented him been sin and lead him to a path of righteousness found in Christ Jesus.
Today if you are struggling with sin, whatever it might be. Christ is ever present to set you free and give you a new beginning as He did for Harry and set you on the path of victory. If you are confuse about the truth and walking in the sinful ways of the world, the outcome is lost and destruction. Come to the truth in the person of Jesus Christ and what he presents so you be able to have life and a truly enjoyable life